Category: Christian

  • A Love of Language

    A Love of Language

    I have long loved languages and learning about other cultures. It probably derives from a passion for travel and meeting new people, even in my own neighborhood. It is an active interest in who or what shapes them, how they live, who they are, and who they are becoming. This passion led me to study…

  • An Object Lesson in Trust

    An Object Lesson in Trust

    “Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways submit to Him and He will make your paths straight” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NIV). Have you ever read a Scripture passage in the morning, only to see the passage repeated to you throughout the day? Or maybe…

  • Continuing Education

    Continuing Education

    Some time ago, I took a continuing education writing class at a local college. I was there because I was unemployed, in job search, and exploring new interests. The Lord was yet again stripping away those things I clutched on to for my identity and resetting my heart priorities toward Him. At the time, my…

  • Heed the Shepherd

    Heed the Shepherd

    I have a friend who I once overheard sharing that he sometimes associates people with different dog breeds based on their character. Kind of a strange thing to do, right? Curious, I butted into the conversation and nervously asked what dog breed he thought I fit. He replied that an Irish Setter or an English…

  • The Peanut Butter Jar

    The Peanut Butter Jar

    Picture the scene: There I was, sitting on the landing at the bottom of the basement stairs. At the time, I was living with some friends with young kids, and other than the bathroom, it was the only quiet place in the house. I had an open jar of peanut butter with spoon in hand.…

  • Rightful Fear

    Rightful Fear

    As I was walking my dog a few weeks ago, I chose to step off the trail to make room for a couple of kids riding past on bicycles. This is not an unusual occurrence. My dog is cautious of bicycles and will often try to lunge in a fearful aggression which is why I…

  • Time Revealed

    Time Revealed

    I have recently been reminded that I can tend to approach the Bible in a very specific, but somewhat limiting, manner. As a means of daily sustenance, I read the Bible seeking to understand more about God, His character through what He has done in the past, and in what He is currently doing in…

  • Forgiveness


    Seventy-seven times. That’s how many times Jesus told Peter we are to forgive our brother when he sins against us. Or “seventy times seven” as worded in the King James translation of the Bible. Wait. Did I hear that right? Isn’t “seventy times seven” a word problem that translates mathematically to 70 x 7? Why…

  • The Trophy (aka A Clean Kill)

    The Trophy (aka A Clean Kill)

    Before you judge or unfollow me for writing about something I know nothing about, please keep reading if you’re courageous enough. I also beg you not to report me to the local game warden for allegedly shooting some distant relative of Bullwinkle’s. I did not shoot a moose as the image or title might suggest.…

  • Timeout


    As a child, when I behaved badly, one or both of my parents would send me to my room for a timeout – a set period of time for the outburst to stop and for me to think about what I had done. As a teenager, it is very possible I was banished out of…